Web design trends that you should follow for better user engagement. Low Cost Web Design Best Deals

June 27,2018 1 202

Web standards

Following is a list of important web design trends that you should follow in creating websites of your business. These trends play a significant role in attracting users and making your site compatible with all kinds of devices.

Responsive web page designing

The smartphone is the handiest device a person can use for calling, computing and Internet access. And therefore the number of mobile Internet users is huge in comparison to the people who use Desktops and laptops. Also, we all know there is a huge difference in display size and picture resolution of these devices. So a quality webpage should be able to render properly on all types of these devices. Creation of such multi-device compatible pages is called Responsive web page designing. For example

This is an example of the web page which is not responsive.

You can see in above image, the layout of a web page on a mobile device is not properly visible.

And, following is an example of web page optimized for mobile devices.

You can see above the web page rendering style changes in the mobile screen in comparison to what we see in the laptop version of the same page. Here the mobile view of the web page is highly visible and adapts to screen size of mobile.

So we can see that in a responsive web page, content formatting and presentation changes as per the size of the screen of operating device. Also, the page loading speed of a webpage should be good on mobile and it should avoid the load of unnecessary resources which may reason in higher power and memory consumption on mobile phones.

This feature was introduced at the start of 2010 and now has been approved as a mandatory quality standard a web page should follow to get good rankings on Google, Bing, Yahoo, and other search engines.

So you need to check if your website is optimized for a mobile device or not?

Submit your website URL at following to check mobile optimization quality score of your website at Google


IT IS HIGHLY POSSIBLE TO CONVERT YOUR EXISTING SITE INTO A RESPONSIVE SITE if its design framework is not that much complex.

Also, we can create separate mobile pages for your website to run on mobile devices only. For example "www.m.yoursitedomain.com"

You may request a free consultation with our team. Just click here.

Web Browser Compatibility

Like every change and upgrade, web browsers are upgrading itself rapidly to offer better user experience and to match with the agile hardware technologies of latest mobile, tablet and desktop devices.

There are various outdated web coding technologies and codes are deprecated by the web browsers and there are chances, that you may see distortion in existing content rendering and performance of your website pages if developed a long time before.

So it is highly important for you to get your website reviewed by a web developer or analyst to avoid such losses.

Organized Content Structure

Content is the most vital asset of a web page. Not only it attracts a user, not only it speaks of your brand and services, but it also impacts your Google Ranking. Google's search and indexing process look for quality contents on a web page. According to SEO experts, content should:

  • - Be authentic - Having no lies and materials prohibited by the Google.
  • - Not be a copy of other web pages.
  • - Be well organized under the hierarchy of Headings, and Paragraph texts.
  • - Have META tags which define the purpose, industry, targeted locations, and scope of a webpage to Google and web browsers.
  • - Should not have broken links, links that trap visitors to see and click on Ads, and links to prohibited content and material.
  • - Should have images with titles and description and optimized for mobile and tablet devices.
  • - Should have contact and copyright details of business or individual who owns the website.

Creative and Engrossing Design and Content Formatting

How well a website visitor is able to perceive your brand, your business, and your services through a web page determines the overall performance of it.

After all the core objective of a webpage is to engage the readers. And it is not possible if your content presentation is less engrossing and less creative.

  • - Parallax image background by highlighting the business objectives.
  • - Interactive illustrations to explain the major benefits of your business.
  • - Video presentation of your business, services, products, customers, and more.
  • - Correct font size, formatting styles, and theme colors.
  • - Proper interconnectivity between the different pages of the site, so that the users can browse through the content easily.
  • - Properly visible Call to Action buttons, Web Forms, Links with flat designs.

A webpage should have all of these features to provide a better reading experience to site visitors.

Better Page Loading Speed

It is highly important for a web page to load in time so that the visitor should not bounce back to other good alternatives.

There are various tools available to check the speed score of a webpage, which in result returns the average page loading speed of the webpage with recommendations to improve the same.

Here they are:



These trends are important for a web page, as they improve the quality and SEO ranking.

If you see your website is not that much up to these standards, you should ask for immediate help from a website developer or an agency.

Request free analysis of your website here.

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